Marquette County Barn Quilts and Hidden History Murals

Major Sponsors
Marquette County Home & Community Education Association (HCE)
An organization in which members advance family and community well-being through educational programs and service activities. Four clubs are active in Marquette County. Member Judy Van Schoyck-Fritschler co-leads the Barn Quilts project. HCE is affiliated with Wisconsin Home and Community Education Association (WAHCE) and National Volunteer Outreach Network (NVON).
Louise Back - Homespun Fabrics, Contrary Wife Designs
Homespun Fabrics, now closed, was a quilt shop operated by Louise Back since 1995. They sold supplies for quilting and handmade quilts, and supported 4-H, hosting quilting classes and special events. Homespun Fabrics spearheaded the local effort to make and donate pillowcases for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge; over 200 pillowcases were donated in the first year of this project from this store. The Barn Quilt Project was started by Louise Back and kicked off by raising her Contrary Wife barn quilt on her barn. Louise continues to operate the business Contrary Wife Designs online.
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Marquette County Extension Family Living
A county-based outreach that responds to family and community educational needs with research-based programs and partnerships. Extension educators connect people with the University of Wisconsin, and engage with local, state and national partners in transforming lives and communities. Sue Allen, Extension Educator 2009-2020, co-led the Barn Quilts and Hidden History Mural project with Louise Back and other partners.
Montello Historic Preservation Society
The Montello Historic Preservation Society strives to connect the past to the present in order that all those who live, visit, or pass through Montello may benefit from knowing how those who came before us worked and played, what they dreamed and accomplished, how and why they grieved, laughed, loved and what gave them joy and the resilience to go on even through hardship.
Marquette County Historical Society
The Society promotes the awareness of the area's historical culture to develop an understanding of and pride in our past, its importance in the present and its impact on the future.
Visit the museum at 125 Lawrence St., Westfield, WI.
Marquette County Tourism Commission
The body established by ordinance to oversee collection and disbursement of room tax revenues.
Neshkoro Enhancement Committee
Formed in 2004, this committee has greatly enhanced the appearance of the Village of Neshkoro, creating parks, beautifying the downtown areas and launching several new village events and festivals. They assisted Neshkoro to become Marquette County’s first Mural Village.
Alliant Energy Foundation
The Alliant Energy Foundation is an independent, non-profit philanthropic corporation funded by Alliant Energy shareowners. Since its start in 1998, the Alliant Energy Foundation has contributed nearly $31 million to projects and organizations through a variety of programs and worthwhile initiatives. The Foundation's programs reflect our commitment to play an active role in the communities we serve.
Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative
Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative is a rural electric distribution cooperative serving approximately 36,000 member/owners in parts of 12 Central Wisconsin counties. As such, it is the largest rural electric cooperative in Wisconsin and the largest in Region Five of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
Wisconsin Arts Board
The Wisconsin Arts Board is the state agency which nurtures creativity, cultivates expression, promotes the arts, supports the arts in education, stimulates community and economic development and serves as a resource for people of every culture and heritage.
National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts was established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. To date, the NEA has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities. The NEA extends its work through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector.
Barn Quilts and Hidden History Murals Trails was nominated in March 2012 for The Governor’s Tourism Rising Star Award. The award is presented to an individual who is new to the tourism industry (within the last 5 years) and has shown leadership, commitment and a passion for Wisconsin’s tourism industry.
The Neshkoro Enhancement Committee is the proud recipient of a Wisconsin Top Rural Development Initiative 2011 award from Wisconsin Rural Partners. The group was one of only three recipients in Wisconsin.
BQHHM Committee
Current: Judy Van Schoyck-Fritschler, Sue Allen, Jeanne Metcalf, Gail Brancel, Kathy Thiemke
Founders: Louise Back, June Schumacher, Sue Allen, Kathleen McGwin